Dual Enabled Functions

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Since some throttles have a limited number of physical function buttons, TCS created "Light Mode" and "Sound Mode" for our WOWSound decoders. This feature allows the user to control many more functions while using the same limited number of buttons. Sound and Light functions can overlap and use the same numbered buttons using this method of operation. While in Light Mode function buttons will control lights, while in Sound Mode the function buttons will control sounds.

The Dual Function feature of WOWSound decoders offers a theoretical 12 additional functions exclusively for lights, in addition to the 28 sound functions. Unlike other decoders, where it is necessary to selectively choose which buttons you need to sacrifice for light functions, the WOWSound Dual Function feature offers a no-compromise solution to throttle control for lights and sounds.

Principle Of Operation

To switch between the modes, press the Audio Assist Button (default is F8) twice in rapid succession and the decoder will announce the mode you are now in. To switch back to the other mode, press the Audio Assist button twice in rapid succession again.

Function Pagination

Some decoders offer additional function pages (if enabled) in addition to Light Mode and Sound Mode - "Function Page 2" and "Function Page 3". This makes it easy to access all 28 functions and all lighting effects on throttles with limited function access by adding an offset to the pressed function button.

On Function Page 2, an offset of +10 is added, meaning pushing F0 is the same as pressing F10, F1 becomes F11, and so on. On Function Page 3, F0 becomes F20, F1 is F21 ... F8 is F28. This feature is useful for command stations that don't support extended functions, such as the Bachmann EZ Command, as it allows users to access all functions even if the command station can't actually send a DCC packet for that function.

NOTE: If a function packet higher then 9 (Button 13 for example) is sent while on a higher function page (2 or 3) the number button pressed will not have an offset. Ergo, Buttons 10-28 always activate Functions 10-28 regardless of the active function page.

Configuration Options and CV's

Dual Enabling Buttons

There are sometimes where you may want both a sound and a light to respond together with a single button press such as pressing F2 to blow the horn and blink the ditch lights, in this case you need the function to be "dual enabled." To dual enable a function button on a WOWSound decoder, you need to configure the Dual Enabled Functions indexed CV 4:14.

  1. Begin by programming CV 201 to a value of 4
  2. Program CV 202 to a value of 14
  3. Use the table below - Select the button(s) to dual enable and program the values into CV 203 and CV 204 accordingly.
TCS Indexed CV 4:14 - "Dual Enabled Functions"
CV204 (Button 0 through Button 6) CV 203 (Button 7 through Button 12)
Button 0F 0R 1 2 3 4 5 6 Button 7 8 9 10 11 12
Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 Value 1 2 4 8 16 32

NOTE: In Version 5 decoders, this process was simplified using individual CV's to configure the dual enabled functions from 0 through 28, rather than indexed CV's.

Audible Feedback

The audible feedback for function pagination can be disabled if desired. To do this, you must clear Bit 5 of Indexed CV 4:19, "Sound Options."
