Diesel Version 5:CV 16.0.266

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CV 16.0.266
DC Hysteresis (Regulated)
Range of Values0-255
Accepted ValuesAny
Default Value10

NMRA CV 16.0.266 DC Mode Regulated Supply Motor Hysteresis

This CV sets the difference in voltage level below the DC Mode Regulated Supply Motor Start Voltage at which the DC mode motor will stop. This CV is used to keep the motor from oscillating on and off while operating in DC mode. If you find the locomotive stopping and starting or the automatic direction horns sounding without the throttle being adjusted, try increasing the value in this CV. This setting only affects operation while the decoder is in "Regulated" DC power supply mode. This CV value and voltage differential is a subtraction from the Start Voltage, not a set voltage at which the motor will stop running. For example, if the start voltage is 9 volts (value of 90), and the hysteresis is 1.5 volts (value of 15), the motor will stop running at 7.5 Volts.

You can read more about Hysteresis here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteresis
